from the desk of Colin Nicholls

Category: Uncategorized (Page 1 of 2)

It’s March, nearly Spring

Spring is not quite here yet, but this weekend we emptied the well-cooked compost from the barrel-in-waiting and dumped it on one of the beds. Lovely icky rich stuff, like chocolate cake. We’ll spread it over the other two beds and dig it in when we next get a sunny weekend. Meanwhile, the active compost barrel has been promoted and is sitting horizontally on the roller for fermentation, and the just-emptied barrel is now upright next to the trash can, accepting new input from our kitchen scraps.

Soon I think it will be time to start sprouting some more tomato seeds. I now have seeds from tomatores we ate in 2009 and 2010, and I think I’ll try some of each. Unto the second generation.

Stand by

I’ve got two or three posts buffered up in my head but I’m thinking, seeing as it’s 2010 and all (blood rushing to head as I type) perhaps I should try upgrading to BlogEngine 1.5 for the new year. And maybe re-enable comments too.


UPDATE: Awesome. Rocking into 2010 on BlogEngine 1.5. Hopefully the blog spam workaround is in place in this version and comments will be available. Here’s hoping.
UPDATE #2: Comments don’t seem to be working on the hosting site. I just see a rotating GIF thingy and the comment doesn’t appear to be saved. This is probably my fault. On the other hand, comments work just fine locally.
UPDATE #3: Thanks to some help from Ben on the BlogEngine forum, it looks as though comments are back in action.

Mmmm… upgrades.

Today's project: Upgrading from BlogEngine.Net 1.3 to 1.4.5. So far it does not appear to be going very well. My customized theme is messed up, and the mp3player extension is throwing an exception.

UPDATE: now the mp3 player just doesn't show up at all. But at least the exception has gone.


Monthly Placeholder

I can't let a whole month go by without posting here… but I see that I have already. And I'm not going to cheat and retroactively post something on my birthday, or something like that. For what it's worth, we've almost been too busy to celebrate, what with trying to find a house that doesn't fall through for some reason or other, and working like crazy on, well, work stuff. I'm going to have to take a day off at some point just to catch up on sleep.

And speaking of Birthdays, thanks to J & A for the marvellous dinner and company at Celadon. I usually try to figure out something fun about my age, but this time I shall wimp out and say only that I believe it is the same as the number of unique shapes that can be formed out of 7 equal triangles of indentical size.

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