On one of our previous visits to Barnes & Noble I persuaded Eric to get _Ender’s Game_, by Orson Scott Card. Well, he’s hooked.

He staggered down to breakfast this morning saying “I stayed up way too late reading that book. It’s all your fault”. Instead of working out (as he usually does in the morning) he tried to sleep in to catch up.

It’s so funny. Now we have an hour for labs we’ve already finished, he’s in the classroom with his feet up and his nose deep into the intricacies of Locke and Demosthenes…

He’s a Fantasy fanatic, more so that SciFi, but he hasn’t read C.S.Lewis’ Narnia series. I showed them to him in B&N – some nice editions there – and we agreed that when his son Jordan was just a bit older, Eric would read them to him.

I told him that if he was interested in reading Tolkien again (in preparation for the movie, which he’s keen on seeing of course) but hadn’t read Narnia, then he was really missing out on one of the founding masters of the genre.

Speaking of which, B&N had a copy of MacDonald’s _Princess & The Goblin_ in their Classics section in the younger readers department.


The class finished early today, we got our certificates and collected our books and stuff, and bid farewell to our classmates, and drove out to find something to do for the afternoon. In Eric’s and my case, this was to buy a dozen bagels from the local New York Bagel Bakery, and then find a place to eat a late lunch. We decided to try the Cajun cafe up by the freeway, and it was excellent. I should really be more adventurous when I find myself in a Cajun restaurant, but this time I played safe and got a jambalaya.

As I write this I am on National flight 357 to Vegas, and frankly, I’m really looking forward to getting home again. My nose is dripping, my sinuses are all clogged, and I’m not looking forward to the descent.