from the desk of Colin Nicholls

Know your Yeast Extracts

Public Service Message:

The one on the right comes from the UK but can be found in many good grocery stores in California. The contents is a dark brown and has a consistency of soft honey. They get points for the cool jar but I reserve the right to deduct the points for fooling people into thinking that it actually contains real Marmite.

The one on the left comes from New Zealand, and can't be found anywhere except there. The contents is as dark brown as you can get without being described as "black", and has the consistency of used axle grease, or some kind of ointment. It is the real stuff.

Ideally it should be stored in a tin in the garage and applied to toast with the back side of a putty knife. 

1 Comment

  1. M.

    "but I reserve the right to deduct the points for fooling people into thinking that it actually contains real Marmite"

    mm…would the real marmite please step forward… (Mr Cool Jar comes forward, while Mr Plain doffs his lid to him "You were here first bud, hats off to ya").

    Well I was raised in NZ on the ‘axle grease’ product. (Knew all about the three musketeers niacin, riboflavin and thiamin before I got my first bike). But for the past 10 years or so have appreciated the real (ahem) product here in the UK. Let me just say it needs to be more fluid ‘cos its a whole lot more concentrated and you use less.

    UK vs NZ marmite. Its a bit like comparing Guiness in Dublin, with that in Sydney (sorry, Seednee). There is no comparison! I rest my case m’lud.

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