I don’t know what it is about the Dutch. They live in a country famous for its butter and cream, yet the hotel restaurant supplied only condensed milk as a coffee creamer. Where was the milk? I could not find it.

After a quick breakfast, we waited downstairs in the lobby to wait for B and S to collected us. Well… we waited a bit longer than we expected because they got a flat tire! It was hard not to doze off while waiting. I’m not used to a big breakfast, but it was all so tasty…

The room

Eventually they showed up and we drove down to the place where the VfpSig.nl user group was due to assemble. It was a nice long room with a desk and two long parallel tables with chairs at which the group members arranged themselves. We had a little LCD projector which worked fine after a little tweaking and setting up, and then we just got stuck into our sessions due to the late start.

C, B, and L

The sessions went well. I’ll say it again here: Thanks guys for putting up with a large amount of new material (some of it new to us, in that we hadn’t presented it before), and for allowing us to go later than planned, even though this meant missing out on some hands-on time that was on the schedule. Thanks to B for organizing it and for doing so much to make everything work out.

Several members of the group took us out to dinner at a place called Restaurant Falstaff just down the road from the hotel. It was very crowded (quite a small room really) but truly wonderful food. I chose grilled smoked salmon. It was fantastic. I’m definitely eating too much. So far I still fit my pants though.