Officially Bonnie Raitt was headlining, but it was really a double headliner, I think. Lyle Lovett came out first, still hobbling a bit from an accident that happened earlier this year ( He was dressed conservatively in black, with one trouser leg split up the side to allow room for the metal frame supporting his lower right leg.

This was Lyle’s “Big Band” show, and he has some truly first class musicians included in the line-up. Musically his songs where kind of cross-over: country blues swing big-band kind of stuff. Lyle sat down cradling his acoustic and in his distinctive voice,  sang his own songs filled with intelligence and humour, interspersed with self-deprecating and humble, amusing conversation. I’m a total convert. Lyle Rocks.

Then Bonnie joined the band and they sang a duet, before a short intermission after which Bonnie came out with her much smaller and conventional rock group, and wowed us with her skills on the slide guitar. Yes, Virginia, she can play guitar.

For the occasional song, members of Lyle’s band would come out and join in, and for the last few songs Lyle himself joined in on a couple of duets.

This double-barreled shotgun blast of a concert made for a long evening, but I’m very glad we went. I’m gonna add some Lyle Lovett CD’s to our collection – we already have plenty of Bonnie.