Graduated Pings

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m having some trouble separating the signal from the noise in comments on this site. And that’s a pity, because many of you have very interesting things to say, and many intriguing questions to ask.

So, taking a cue from my better half, I’m re-upping BlogEngine.Net to the latest version, which happens to be 1.6 right now. Let’s see if we can’t make this world a better place for civilized conversation.

Can’t stop the signal

Congrats to the BlogEngine guys for a whole new interface for corralling comments. I’ll be moderating comments on this blog, at least for a while, since they’ve made it a whole lot more convenient.  I’ll also be adding more plug-in filters like Akismet and see how much this new system can “learn”.

Other than possibly waiting a few days to see your comments approved (if I turn off the automated rule-driven approval mech), you shouldn’t see much of a difference. And that’s a good thing. 

Please let me know if something seems amiss.  I happen to know that you guys are not shy.

Back to business as usual

Cliff, I haven’t forgotten your question.  Philippe, you either.  I think you guys are next in the queue.

4 thoughts on “Graduated Pings

  1. another version has been release this year blogengine 1.6. It has new additional features now it can prevent comment spam filter that has ability to plugin custom filtering modules.It has improve outgoing emails and more improvement and fixes for this 1.6 version.

  2. >>another version has been release this year blogengine 1.6.

    Yes, this is true. And that’s the version I upgraded to. There’s a tooltip on the “Powered by… ” element in the footer, as a matter of fact. ;-).

  3. The new version of blogengine proved a good one for all bloggers. It has helped to make CMS a better one to the previous one. I am looking forward to use it in my next blog site.
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