Areas of Interest, as counted by my cat

Category: Source Control (Page 2 of 2)

Tagging with Git

This is newbie-level stuff, but it is new to me…

When I used TortoiseGit to tag my latest changes, I got a strange error “Directory C:\Documents does not exist.”


Rather than spend time tracking this down, I decided to bite the bullet and figure out how to use the command line. It’s not hard (of course), you just have to know and remember.


Here’s what I did:

Change to the project directory:

> cd \source_control\ABACAB\github\zyxx\zyxx-db\master

Review the current tags (just for fun):

D:\..\zyxx-db\master> git tag


Ah, consistency: the hobgoblin of little minds. Or something like that.

Now create a new annotated tag:

D:\..\zyxx-db\master> git tag -a zyxx-prod-55 -m "For Jan 5 2017 deployment to PROD"

We have to explicitly push the tag to the remote server:

D:\..\zyxx-db\master> git push origin zyxx-prod-55
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 183 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new tag] zyxx-prod-55 -> zyxx-prod-55


…and I think that’s it.

Git: how to create a merge conflict all on your own

I had some doubts that I was seeing all the changes from all developers, so I did some testing.

(I ran a git log command after each step to see what changes would show up.)

Step 1: Add a new file, and commit locally:

Mon Jul 11 21:05:41 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Added a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Step 2: Pull from remote to refresh locally

Step 3: Push my local changes to the remote (origin).

Step 4: Edit the file, and commit. I misunderstood the use of the [x] Amend Last commit checkbox…

Mon Jul 11 21:10:28 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Editing a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Note that the time-stamp has changed, and the comment text, but it is the same “Add” operation.

Step 5: Edit the file again, and commit. (This time, I did not use the [ ] Amend last commit, and I commented thusly:

Mon Jul 11 21:10:28 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Editing a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:12:43 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (testing) [ ] Amend last commit (did not check)
M misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Step 6: Do a push to remote repository:

git.exe push --progress "origin" master:master

! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) (1981 ms @ 7/11/2016 13:14:39)

OK, I don’t understand why “the tip of my current branch is behind its remote counterpart”, but it is telling me I should do another pull before pushing, so:

Step 7: Pull from the remote to update locally:

git.exe pull --progress --no-rebase -v "origin"

= [up to date] master -> origin/master
= [up to date] cmp13_convert -> origin/cmp13_convert
= [up to date] dev_2015_02_A -> origin/dev_2015_02_A
= [up to date] dyson -> origin/dyson
= [up to date] edison -> origin/edison
= [up to date] fermi -> origin/fermi
= [up to date] gauss -> origin/gauss
= [up to date] grendel -> origin/grendel
= [up to date] hubble -> origin/hubble
= [up to date] prod_2015_04 -> origin/prod_2015_04
Auto-merging misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) (2231 ms @ 7/11/2016 13:15:42)

Now I’m in conflict with myself!?

Step 8: At this point, I resolved the conflict by selecting “mine” over “theirs”, and did another local commit. This time I got a special “merge commit” dialog that didn’t show any specific changed files, but clearly wanted to do something.

So what does the log say at this point?

Mon Jul 11 21:05:41 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Added a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:10:28 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Editing a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:12:43 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (testing) [ ] Amend last commit (did not check)
M misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:22:08 2016 - Colin Nicholls : Merge branch 'master' of


  1. The first edit operation has now returned to the log. It looks as though we have two “Add” operations.
  2. We get a generic “merge branch” message as the most recent log entry.
  3. Also, the time-stamps aren’t “local” time, at least, not my local time (it’s 13:25 PDT currently)

Step 9: Pull; delete test file; commit; push

Mon Jul 11 21:05:41 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Added a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:10:28 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (Testing) Editing a file locally
A misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:12:43 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (testing) [ ] Amend last commit (did not check)
M misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

Mon Jul 11 21:22:08 2016 - Colin Nicholls : Merge branch 'master' of
Mon Jul 11 21:35:21 2016 - Colin Nicholls : (testing) deleted file
D misc_scripts/Testing_git_log.txt

This needs further testing, perhaps, but I’m going to return to billable work at this point.

Git: Obtaining a useful log of recent check-ins

This is mostly for my own reference, so I don’t lose it.

C:> set path=C:\Programs\Git\bin;%PATH%
C:> D:
D:> cd /source_control/ABACAB/github/zyxx_db
D:> git log --name-status -10 > last_ten_updates.txt

So long as the current path is under the right repository directory, the git log command seems to pick up the right information, without being told what repository to interrogate.

The output is useful, but the default formatting isn’t ideal. I’m not so interested in the git-svn-id or commit id. There’s a comprehensive list of options…


git log --name-status --pretty=format:"%cd - %cn : %s" --date=iso

The results are close to what I’m used to with Subversion:

2016-06-25 21:54:13 -0700 - Colin Nicholls : Synchronizing with latest SVN version
M zyxx/db/trunk/DW/DIRECT_DW.pkb
M zyxx/db/trunk/DW/SAMPLE_DATA.pck
M zyxx/db/trunk/environments/PROD/db_build_UAT.config
M zyxx/db/trunk/environments/UAT/db_build.config

2016-06-02 17:41:59 +0000 - cnicholls : Re-run previous report asynch; clear STATUS_TEXT on re-run
M zyxx/db/trunk/RIX/RIX.pck

2016-06-01 23:05:29 +0000 - cnicholls : Added V_Rix_Run_Log
M zyxx/db/trunk/RIX/create_views.sql

2016-06-01 09:12:36 +0000 - fred : Prepare deployment script.
M zyxx/db/trunk/deployment_scripts/49/during_DW.sql

2016-06-01 02:27:39 +0000 - zeng : INH-1139: Offer Issue - DW Should handle the "Link" action for Tag. Fix bug.
M zyxx/db/trunk/DW/ABACAB_RI.pkb

What I don’t yet know is why the most recent change has a time zone of “-0700” and the others “-0000”. It may have something to do with the way the previous entries were imported. Notice the committer name is different in the most recent check-in, which was the first one I did from my working copy, after the initial import.


My current format of choice:

git log --name-status --pretty=format:"%cd - %cn : %s" --reverse --date-order --date=local

However, “local” doesn’t seem to mean “my local time zone”. So, not sure what the best date format is.

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