All things must pass and all things change

Kami-cat has left us.

She was a snuggly, loving friend.  She tried very hard to be a good sport about things that were difficult for her, including many changes she didn't understand.  But at each stage, she had (we think) a good life. The last part was hard, but it's over now.

I'm going to choose to remember her proudly bringing a very large bird into the house only a few weeks ago.  We don't really think she hunted it herself (although she was fierce and strong when she was younger), but we let her think she fooled us.

I have a pile of work not done and a pile of unanswered questions from many of you, too.  I don't much feel like writing anything extensive today, but it is Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for many things, including the friendship of my team and the people who write to me from this blog. 

So, I will quickly answer Tenchy, who would like to know how to follow my instructions for applying XSLT to an RDL in the vastly-changed dialogs supplied with Report Designer 2008.  As he says "I don't see a Data Output tab in the newer version.", and this is true, the dialog I wrote about in that walkthrough is no longer present.  But the capability is still there:

… and of course the ability to do this is still based in the RDL schema, which includes this in the updated version:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Style />
    <Style />

Tenchy would also like to know whether the technique shown in that post will allow him to get the Excel sheet names based on some data in a subreport.  This will depend on what data he's talking about.  The subreport output is contained in the XML, just like the "main" report, because it's part of the report output.  (You will see nodes like this

<Report Name="AggSumsSubReport"></Report>

… with the details of the subreport contained in them.) However, if the layout controls that Tenchy wants to leverage are in the subreport page header or page footer, they won't be available, same as the main report.

Same as it ever was.  And yet, somehow, all changed.

18 thoughts on “All things must pass and all things change

  1. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I have lost several cats myself and I know the heartache associated with it. It is easier to get through when you remember that she lived a good life with good time and is in a happier place.

  2. Thanks Lisa, First foremost, I’m sorry to hear about your cat, when we lost our family pet of 18 yrs, we were heartbroken, but it helped so much to remember all the good times.

    Secondly, I’m a female. Lol, felt weird reading all “he’s” lol…I’m all She.

    Thirdly, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK! I havent had a chance to full work through it, but i think it will work. My layout controls are not in the header or footer, so i think i will be good. I’ll let you know in a couple days. Thanks for all the help again!

  3. Yes, to both Furacoua and Leonard, Kami is the cat on my banner. In our yard, where she happily ignored us and was teased by the birds, for many, many pleasant hours…

  4. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK! I havent had a chance to full work through it, but i think it will work. My layout controls are not in the header or footer, so i think i will be good. I’ll let you know in a couple days. Thanks for all the help again!

  5. Nice information, valuable and excellent design, as share good stuff with good ideas and concepts, lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need, thanks for all the enthusiasm to offer such helpful information here.

  6. Great detailed tutorials. You’ve made a pretty hard job when you tried working even if you’re not doing alright. More than that, I’m amazed how you considered your cat as part of your family.
    Condolence to you… Enjoy life and adopt a new cat!

  7. I always have the feeling my rescued cat Dylan thinks he owns us, not the other way around. It is so sad to lose a pet and people who don’t live with them often can’t understand the gap they leave.

    Thank you for expanding on your previous post – a great help.

  8. This is a great loss according to me! Even i had experienced this when i lost my dog, momo, last year!

    I have bookmarked your blog so that i can visit it in future and know more about your life..

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