I’ve never really been happy with how checkbox controls look when contained in Grid columns, displaying logical values. Lately I’ve been using the method described below.
Given a table with a logical column such as:
create cursor FILMLIST values ( VIEWED L, TITLE C(50) )
I use an expression for the grid column instead of referencing the table column name directly:
Alignment=2-(Middle Center) ControlSource = iif(FILMLIST.VIEWED,"ü"," ") FontName=Wingdings FontSize=11 ReadOnly=TRUE
The default textbox control in the column will display the logical value as a tick mark (the WingDings character for ü):
This is all you need to do for a read-only column. For my users, I make the column editable by adding some code to the textbox’s .DblClick() event:
replace FILMLIST.VIEWED with !nvl(FILMLIST.VIEWED,.F.) this.Refresh()
This toggles the logical flag when the user double-clicks the mouse in the column – and handles possible NULL values as well.
As an exercise for the student, try adding support for toggling the flag using the keyboard SPACE bar.
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