FRX Device Helper Foundation Class (TMM)

Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2
This is an addendum to an existing FFC class topic, covering enhancements in SP2.
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The following public methods are new in  SP2.
Properties and methods Description

LoadFromHDC Method

Loads printer device parameters from a passed GDI printer handle, using the Windows API GetDeviceCaps function.

Syntax: LoadFromHDC(tiHDC)

Return Values: string


tiHDC is the handle (an integer) to the printer from which the device parameters should be derived.

LoadFromStrings Method

Loads printer device parameters from string variables.

Syntax: LoadFromHDC(tcExpr, tcTag2)

Return Values: string


tcExpr is typically the contents of the EXPR memo field from the header record of an FRX with printer environment information saved.  It provides DRIVER and DEVICE values. These are passed to the LoadDeviceInfo method as its first and second parameters.

tcTag2 is typically the contents of the TAG2 memo field from the header record of an FRX with printer environment information saved.  This is passed to the LoadDeviceInfo method as its third parameter.

See AlsoSee Also